This gallery contains 25 photos.

The Great Canadian Beer Festival held every September in my hometown is my favorite event of the year. I have been attending almost every year since I was 18 and have watched it evolve into a well orchestrated symphony of Organizers, Volunteers, Breweries and Beer-Lovers respectively. The 25th birthday of the …

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Think Of Them As The Big Friendly Beer Giant…

  I am just as surprised as you that I am writing this article actually suggesting people try some of the big-boys brews, but in the past year I have grown a new appreciation for the breweries with the money. Now let me be clear: I am not talking about …

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White Sails Brewing Co. turns One !

I have been so broke lately, I am missing all the good stuff!!  Vancouver Island has opened four new breweries in the past few weeks and I have missed it all! One thing I decided not to miss however, is the first birthday party over at White Sails Brewing Company …

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Who knew the Kinsmen were so cool?

I have to admit, I had a preconceived idea that a beer fest hosted by the Nanaimo Kinsmen/Kinette group would be something my parents might enjoy more than me.  I expected a handful of breweries with sales pitches and a laid back atmosphere….  boy, was I wrong!  I had a …

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